How It Works


Make the transition from Print to Digital

We help you make the transition from print to digital in every way. Introducing the Bad-Adz Launch Pad! Our launch pad helps you educate your customers and get them ready for this exciting transition.


Your customers won't miss a beat.

Through the use of in-store signage, social media and inserting announcements in your weekly ad, Bad-Adz Digital gets the word out.

We create the content and timeline in which you should begin letting your customers know that a change is coming. This content includes information on how they can continue to access your weekly flyer.

Customers will be able to view your weekly specials online from anywhere. And ask us about a custom multipage, glossy in-house flyer.


Your Zip Codes…Our eMail lists

How do we identify potential customers? You provide us with relevant zip codes, we provide the email distribution list!

We strategically deploy your Bad-Adz to coincide with your promotion schedule. What’s even better? You’ll be able to measure their performance! Track your list size, click and open rates and know where you stand. Print can’t do that!


Go Green…and Save Money!

Eliminate your print distribution and put those dollars back in your pocket. Reach those people, and more, with Bad-Adz Digital email marketing. So why waste your time and money on printed advertisements, too?

The sad truth? More printed ads see the trash can than reach your customers. 

We give you the confidence to know that when you spend with us, you save with us and reach your target audience every time.


Take Your Brand to the Next Level

Highlight what makes YOUR business stand out through the use of: 

  1. Animation

    Animation is a great tool to leverage within email marketing to help your brand stand out from the crowd.

    • Catch the reader’s eye

    • Emphasize a promo or message

    • Drive subscribers to convert

  2. Custom recipe videos

    Build your basket size. Tap into the new generation of shoppers that would buy more if they knew what to do with it. 

    Choose a recipe video from our video library that corresponds with your sale items. Now they will have the confidence to buy and try!

  3. Photography and written content

    Your images and social media tell your story…and you want it to be a good one!

Recipe Videos

You become a trusted resource